Simple, Home-Based Strength Training With Kettlebells And Dumbbells

There is A LOT you can do to improve your strength, fitness and health by exercising at home.

You DON’T need tons of gear. You DON’T need heaps of space.

In my opinion, all you need is a few kettlebells and dumbbells.

Why kettlebells and dumbbells? Because they are the most versatile, compact, non-ugly (even attractive?) bits of kit you can get which are reasonably affordable.

Want to know why you should consider home-based training and how to do it?

Read on.


First of all, I’ll tell you why not.

The main reason is that many people - despite their best intentions - don’t follow through with their plan to do home based fitness.

In spite of the appeal of the convenience, privacy and comfort of home, there’s a lot that can derail your plan: chores, people, the TV etc.

This is why there’s such an abundance of home exercise equipment in council verge collections.

But, some people can pull it off! And maybe you’re one of them.

And if you are, you will indeed find that home based training is really convenient, which is the top reason to do it.

It is also time-efficient and private.

Lack of time is probably the number one reason why middle-aged and older adults (the target audience for this article) find it tricky to get any serious amount of training done.

Here is a reflection from my own experience on why the time efficiency of home-based training can be a game changer.

The last few Sundays, my wife Deb and I have been taking our three kids (15, 13 & 7 years of age) to the beach, alternating between bodyboarding and snorkelling. It’s a great way to wear them out and model an active, healthy lifestyle to them. But what’s had to give has been my Sunday morning trip to the gym. I can’t do that AND have a sleep in (which I need as I’m up really early during the week).

But I can fit in 40-minutes or so after we get home, which is all I need to do a home-based kettlebell strength circuit.


Ok, so how do you go about this?

Firstly, what equipment do you need?

I recommend that you get yourself two kettlebells. One heavy one which is challenging to swing for 20-30 reps or squat for 15 reps with proper form (for me this is 24-28kg). One medium weight one which is challenging to row for 10-20 reps with good technique (for me this is 20kg).

And then, I recommend you get a pair of dumbbells which are challenging to safely press over your head for 10-15 reps or bicep curl for 15-20 reps (for me this is 9kg dumbbells - each, not total).

You could get one light kettlebell for overhead pressing but this is quite technical and, frankly, a little annoying. Dumbbells work just fine for overhead exercises for most people with their standard goals: move better, feel better, look better.

Where should you buy them? I like Kinta. If you’re in Perth, check them out.


From here, you just need to string together some exercises in a circuit.

Here’s two workouts which will be great - one for beginners, another for intermediates.

Beginner Workout

Cycle through this sequence of exercises without pausing then take a rest for 1-2 minutes before recommencing. Repeat 3-8 times depending on your available time, current fitness and training history.

As a general rule, don’t try to make big jumps up in terms of weight, total training time, reps and sets. Let the strength and fitness come, don’t force it.

Intermediate Workout

Again, cycle through this once without a break between exercises then take 1-2 minutes rest. Repeat 3-8 times.


In these simple sessions, we’re looking to do two things:

  1. Build fitness.

    (This requires us to be moving pretty constantly. To achieve this AND build strength - which necessitates a fair amount of rest - we string together exercises that challenge different parts of your body in sequence. First we work the legs, then while they rest we work the arms. First we stress the quads, then while they rest we stress the hamstrings. You get the picture).

  2. Strengthen major muscle groups

    (Which is why we use weight training exercises. They can impart enough stress to build strength and muscle mass).

Here are some templates for how you can make this work. Consult the list of exercises at the end of this post to get some ideas for what you can feed into these templates.

Template A

  1. Squat movement

  2. Push movement

  3. Pull movement

  4. Hinge movement

  5. Core strength movement

Template B

  1. Lower body plyometric exercises (e.g. squat jumps)

  2. Core strength exercise

  3. Biceps exercise

  4. Triceps exercise

  5. Whole body exercise (like a burpee, or a dumbbell thruster)

Template C

  1. Hinge exercise

  2. Pull exercise

  3. Shoulder exercise (e.g. Dumbbell overhead presses)

  4. Core strength exercise in a supine position (e.g. Sit ups)


I hope this article has been useful for you and you can soon hit your stride with home based training!!


Russian Kettlebell Swing (Hinge Movement Pattern / Glutes & Hamstrings)

Kettlebell Squat And Row (Squat Movement Pattern - Quads, Glutes - AND Row Movement Pattern - Rear Deltoid / Shoulder)

Kettlebell Swing With Dead-stop (Squat / Hinge Movement Pattern - Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings & Shoulders)

Kettlebell Row With Forearm / Elbow Support (Pull / Row Movement Pattern - Lats, Trapezius / Back, Rear Shoulder)

Kettlebell Cyclist Squat / Goblet Squat With Narrow Stance (Squat Movement Pattern - Quads, Glutes, Adductors, Lower Back / Erector Spinae)

Kettlebell Clean to Squat - Squat & Row Movement Pattern (Quads, Glutes, Shoulders, Back / Erector Spinae)

Kettlebell Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive - Lunge / Hinge Movement Pattern (Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Push Movement Pattern (Deltoids / Shoulders, Trapezius)

Push Up - Push Movement Pattern (Abdominals, Chest / Pecs)

Mountain Climbers - Spine & Hip Flexion (Abdominals)


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