Muscles, Strength & Aging - How Aging Affects Your Muscles, Nerves , Bones and Movement
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've seen articles in the media about the importance of strength training for older adults.
This year, I've fielded a number of enquiries from men and woman aged 60 and above who’ve been prodded into action through the media, or by popular podcasters like Peter Attia (author of the bestselling book, Outlive) and Andrew Huberman.
What's with that? Why does the media - and these podcasters - want you to lift weights all of a sudden?
Kristian Blummenfelt’s Trendelenburg Sign. Should He Fix It? The Answer Matters To You.
Recently, a picture of Kristian on Instagram caught my attention. He was running on a treadmill, and I thought my myself, "Huh... It looks as though he has a Trendelenburg sign."
Why Hire a Coach/Personal Trainer?
I’ll admit that when I started my education to be certified as a coach/PT, I didn’t have any experience as a one-to-one PT client. And I could not imagine paying for one if I had the money. “It’s a lot of money to hire a PT!” - I thought. “Why would I ever do that?” - I asked. Well, it is a lot of money - relatively speaking. Why would you do it? Why would an ordinary person spend their dosh on paying for a coach?
Foundational Fitness For Office Workers
Foundational fitness is the physical capacity and the mental wherewithal to do the physically demanding things in life, and to get them done comfortably. Not easily, but comfortably.