Dear Peter: Resistance Training Movement Pattern Compendium
A client of mine is in the process of becoming self-sufficient and self-directed in his resistance training. This is a great place to be! I try to help clients through this process so they can exit personal training / strength coaching with the skills necessary to do smart and consistent strength development under their own steam. In a way, a block of coaching sessions is a learning experience, and you come out the end of it with knowledge - in addition to improved strength and fitness.
I mentioned to this fellow that I’d prepare a document listing different exercises he can do under the banner of major movement patterns. This is so he can vary his training to keep it interesting for him. I proposed to him that each session should include;
A squatting movement
A hip hinge-ing movement
A pushing movement (with the arms)
A pulling movement (with the arms)
Some core strength work
Here’s a list of different exercises which fall under these categories. It’s by no means exhaustive. Each exercise heading is hyperlinked to videos which explain or demonstrate them.
Squatting Movements
Dumbbell Thruster / Squat & Press
Barbell Squat - Standard / Competition
Hinge-ing Movements
Barbell Deadlift - Standard / Comp
Pushing Movements
Barbell Bench Press - Comp / Standard
Single Arm Press - Resistance Band
Pulling Movements
Dumbbell/Kettlebell/YBell Bent Over Row
Core Training