Dadbod & Mumbod Quick Workout #1

This is a simple little home based, minimal equipment session made up of just 5 strength moves and one mobility exercise.

Go between each movement with no rest - you’ll get an opportunity for a bit of active recovery when you do the 20 windmills.

These little circuits are a great way to get your heart pumping, burn off some stress and energy and build fitness and athleticism. Plus, provided you don’t do too much too soon, these little sessions should leave you feeling energised, not drained. Far better to do a little bit, often, than to have a boom or bust approach to your health & fitness.


10 minutes - cycling through each movement; start again if you finish

DB snatch x10 (5/arm)

Sit-up & punch x10

Rev lunge x10 (5/leg)

4 pushups, 4 shoulder taps

Bent over row x5/arm

20 windmills rest break

2 minutes break

10 minutes - repeat sequence


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